- Nvidia Stereoscopic 3d Video Player
- Stereoscopic Player Mac Os X Download Mac
- Stereoscopic Player Windows 10
- Stereoscopic Video Player
- Stereoscopic Player Windows
As a courtesy to our users, we are providing a variety of 3D-Programs and other utilities for the 3D-Photographer and Stereo Enthusiast.
Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android Stereoscopic Player website « Stereo CAD-3D. 5,242,055 Bytes (OsxStereoMerger.zip) - for Max OS X Stereoscope Applet Version 2.2 beta The Stereoscope Applet is a solution to present stereoscopic images on the net without to use plug-ins!
If you would like to suggest any program or utility to be placed in this spot, please contact us. Please make sure to let us know when program updates are available.
Happy Browsing - and please do not forget to call again soon for new items, which are constantly being added.
DOS Software |
Create Stereograms on your PC Archive of stereogram programs as included with the book 'Create Stereograms on Your PC'. DOS programs, mixture of shareware and freeware, no demos or limited versions, documentation included for most. The ZIP-archive has subdirectories. Maintain the directory structure when unzipping. | ||
1,431,934 Bytes (csoypc.zip) |
Fractint (Version 20) This is a fractal generating program that includes an excellent option for making 3D random dot stereograms, using one fractal (usually fairly complex) as the background and another (fairly simple) as the hidden image. The possibilities are infinite and the results can be very beautiful. Fractint also provides for making stereo pairs and anaglyphs (and yes, '2 1/2-D' transformations) from a single fractal. The software is an old 16 bit DOS command-line program that takes some practice to learn, but it works beautifully. Requires DOS, but also works with Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT or XP. For more information, see http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/FRACTINT.html | ||
899,561 Bytes (frain200.zip) |
Flash Software |
OneEyeStereo OneEyeStereo is a free (for non-commercial use) 3D Stereo Photo Viewer that runs in any Flash enabled browser on any platform. In addition to traditional stereo displays like anaglyph or side by side views, the applet smoothly animates your photos to create the illusion of depth without the need for glasses or special viewing techniques. Please note that you need an HTTP server for OneEyeStereo. OneEyeStereo was programmed by Volker 'Bill' Schülbe. For more information, see http://www.proggies2go.org/pages/oesdemo/oesdemo.html | ||
4,902,276 Bytes (proggies2go_OneEyeStereo.rar) |
Wiggle Stereoscopic Viewer Wiggle is a client-side JavaScript program for aligning stereoscopic image sets and a Flash applet for viewing them. Authoring WiggleSets requires only a JavaScript browser, and a browser with Flash plugin (6+) is all that is needed to view the output. For more information, see http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=109131 | ||
131,500 Bytes (wiggle_0_5_0.zip) |
Java Software |
AnaBuilder (Version 2.47.0) AnaBuilder is a freeware program for the creation of anaglyph-type stereoscopic photographs. By shifting two views of the same scene, AnaBuilder builds an image that is stereoscopic when viewed through Red/Cyan glasses. The program makes it possible to readjust the two views manually or fully automatically! Adjusted pairs can also be saved. AnaBuilder (Windows) also allows stereo-morphing to convert a 2D photo into a 3D photo, or to modify the depht of an existing 3D photo, as well as a 2D -> 3D -> Stereo conversion tool. A MacOS-Version is also available. Created by Etienne Monneret from France. For more information, see http://anabuilder.free.fr/welcomeEN.html | ||
22,197,993 Bytes (ABFull.exe) |
Stereomerger Version 1.064 Stereomerger (shareware) is a 3D-photo viewer, editor and batch processor. It can help you to View and convert Stereo JPEG- and MPO-files, Transfer the images from your camera(s) , Automatically find the matching stereo pairs you have taken, Merge files together to create stereo-files, Adjust the stereo window, colors, brightness, lens-distortion, Add frames, text, effects, Remove noise, sharpen the image, soften the image, Convert them to which ever format you like, and much more. Stereomerger requires Windows with Java 1.4.2 - or Apple Mac OSX 10.x with Java 1.4.2. Both PowerPC and Intel Macs. Stereomerger is copyright Geir Øyvind Vælidalo. For more information, see http://www.stereomerger.com/mw/index.php/Welcome_to_Stereomerger | ||
5,399,920 Bytes (WinStereoMerger.zip) - for Windows | ||
5,242,055 Bytes (OsxStereoMerger.zip) - for Max OS X |
Stereoscope Applet Version 2.2 beta The Stereoscope Applet is a solution to present stereoscopic images on the net without to use plug-ins! The images can be viewed with every JAVA 1.1 capable browser under whatever operating system you want! So you will get much The Stereoscope Applet was created by Andreas Petersik, Germany. For more information, see http://www.stereofoto.de/sapplet | ||
135,269 Bytes (sabase.zip) |
Linux Software |
Bino Bino plays stereoscopic videos, also known as 3D videos. For more information, see http://www.nongnu.org/bino | ||
144,988 Bytes (bino-0.1.tar.xz) |
KMovisto (Version 0.6.1) KMovisto is a molecule viewer for using in quantum chemistry. You are able to import GAUSSIAN 94 and GAUSSIAN 98 files (obtained from UNIX or MS Windows systems) or XYZ files and view your results in several view modes or edit the molecule geometry. Especially the 3D view modes (anaglyph or stereo pair) make it possible to enjoy stereoscopic impressions of the molecular structure - so this is what KMovisto makes a real 3D molecule viewer. KMovisto was written by Mario Hoverath, Cologne, Germany. For more information, see http://mitglied.lycos.de/PageOfMH/index.html | ||
1,157,980 Bytes (kmovisto-0.6.1.tar.gz) |
mplayer Here's a link to the mplayer page: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html It is a command line video player but is possibly the most popular on Linux because of its capacity to play almost any anything, especially if you count GUIs that use it as a base such as gnome-mplayer and smplayer. And here's a link to a copy of the video filter section of the mplayer manual which covers software 3D support (search for stereo3d): http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.html#VIDEO FILTERS Here's a link to the section on the same page covering hardware 3d support through opengl (search for stereo=<value>): http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.html#VIDEO OUTPUT DRIVERS (MPLAYER ONLY) |
Plascolin Plascolin is a Linux X11 tool to create and to view anaglyph stereo images or to display the left and right image on separate output devices (e.g. projectors). Plasolin was written by Joerg Schrammel, Duisburg, Germany. For more information, see http://www.schrammel.org/stereo-plascolin.php | ||
113,781 Bytes (plascolin-0.01.01.tar.gz) |
SIV SIV (Stereoscopic Image Viewer) is capable of displaying JPS stereo images and MPO stereo images in different stereo modes. It was tried in fullscreen/windowed mode with anaglyphic and quad buffered stereo mode. Main features in the 1.0 version are quad buffered stereo and vr920 headtracking. SIV - created by Jürgen Löb - needs to be compiled. More information is available from http://www.mygnu.de/index.php/siv-a-stereoscopic-jps-viewer-for-linux | ||
42,849 Bytes (siv-1.1_source.zip) |
Split MPO This script takes a folder of .MPO files, extracts left and right images, and assembles them into pairs suitable for cross-eye, side-by-side and over-under (View Magic) use. The script seems to run fine on Linux and Mac. The shell is specified as 'bash', but most should work as well. The script output files are easy to size in Open Office Draw. This script and Open Office Draw are a simple solution for anyone with a Mac or Linux to enjoy stereo photos from this fine Fuji camera. Split MPO was written by Dr. Michael Pitchford. | ||
2,410 Bytes (splitmpo.sh) |
Mac Software |
Fuji W3 3D QuickLook Plugin (Version 1.0.0) This QuickLook plugin enables a Fuji W3 3D MPO format image to be viewed by default in the finder and other applications using QuickLook on Mac OSX 10.5 or later. QuickLook isn't available for systems below 10.5 For more information, see http://www.alienrat.net/software/mpo.quicklook.html | ||
277,761 Bytes (mpo.quicklook.dmg.zip) |
StereoPress (Version 1.4.0-E) StereoPress helps you to make a stereo photo from your stereo pair. It is an application for Power Macintosh. Very easily, you can get an black & white anaglyph stereo image, color anaglyph stereo image or interleave stereo format. Via the author's web-page, you can also download a program to create stereo movies on the Mac. Japanese Versions are also available. Created by Shuji Ono from Japan. For more information, see http://www2.pair.com/~shuono/tools/stereo_tool_e.shtml | ||
540,835 Bytes (StereoPress140E.sea.hqx) |
StereoSplicer (Version Beta 6) This version just work with the 3D-MPO and 3D-AVI stereoscopic files that were taken by FUJIFILM FinePix REAL 3D W1 camera. Created by Junji Ikeda from Japan. For more information, see http://web.me.com/ijunji/Challenge!_REAL_3D_and_Mac_E/StereoSplicer.html | ||
386,966 Bytes (StereoSplicerBeta6.zip) |
Windows Software |
3D Slide Projector (Version 1.05) This software for creating your 3D slide show runs on Windows computers. It can make 3D images for anaglyphs or for interleave images or for dual projectors from your Left & Right stereo images taken by your digital cameras or scanner, and it can sync wav sounds. All order of your slides show and sounds are indicated by 'order.txt' file at the same folder of this software. If you have two PC-projectors and dual VGA video card, you will be able to have 3D projection by using dual screen mode of this program. Requires Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT or XP. Created by Takashi Sekitani from Japan. For more information, see http://www.stereoeye.jp/software/3dsp_e.html | ||
2,894,839 Bytes (3dprj105.zip) |
Anaglyph Maker (Version 1.08) A wonderful free program to make black & white as well as color anaglyphs and interlaced images for LC-shutter glasses. Requires Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT or XP. Created by Takashi Sekitani from Japan. For more information, see http://www.stereoeye.jp/software/index_e.html | ||
746,949 Bytes (anamk108.zip) |
Fractint (Version 20) This is a fractal generating program that includes an excellent option for making 3D random dot stereograms, using one fractal (usually fairly complex) as the background and another (fairly simple) as the hidden image. The possibilities are infinite and the results can be very beautiful. Fractint also provides for making stereo pairs and anaglyphs (and yes, '2 1/2-D' transformations) from a single fractal. The software is an old 16 bit DOS command-line program that takes some practice to learn, but it works beautifully. Requires DOS, but also works with Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT or XP. For more information, see http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/FRACTINT.html | ||
899,561 Bytes (frain200.zip) |
Stereo Base and Depth Of Field Calculator (Version 0.9.5 beta) This software is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Frank Di Marzio, PhD who came up with the formula and Michael K. Davis who tweaked the formula and assisted me in building this software. For more information, see http://www.clintonrocksmith.com/3d-stereoscopic-software.html | ||
340,478 Bytes (3dcalculator.exe) |
Stereo Movie Builder (Version 0.3) A software for building (stereoscopic) videos from a set of still pictures with various effects as zoom, pan and transitions. StereoMovieBuilder can generate standard AVI files, WMV files or Quicktime movie files. Input images can be in the JPEG or PNG format and videos. Input images can be monoscopic or stereoscopic (side by side images). SMB uses scripts written in a simple format for adding special effects like Ken Burns and transitions. StereoMovieBuilder can resize the pictures, transpose a stereo picture and generate various stereo format (anaglyph, half-frame, interlaced, ..) StereoMovieBuilder will run on any PC with Microsoft Windows 98/Me, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7. Created by Pierre Meindre from France. For more information, see http://www.stereoscopie.fr/tech/SMB.php?l=EN | ||
323,660 Bytes (SMB.zip) |
StereoMovie Maker (Version 1.20) StereoMovie Maker functions both as a versatile stereo movie editor and stereo movie player. Uses AVI movie format. It is supportive and friendly to most stereo viewing methods (Freeviewing [Parallel-eyed or Cross-eyed], Anaglyphic [color anaglyphs or grayscale anaglyphs], Liquid Crystal Shutter Glasses [Interlacing or Page Flipping]). Runs on all versions of Windows (up to Windows 7). Japanese Version is also available. Download Box Notes, an online note taking app. Take meeting notes, organize business reviews, or even write a newsletter, from any device. Download Box Notes Mac or Windows Box Notes. To get started, download the Oracle VM VirtualBox from its official website and install it on your. 1- Download Mac OS Mac OS is a computer operating system developed by Apple. This is a operating system with beautiful interface, however, to own a the computer of Apple with this operating system, you need to use a lot of money, normally with the double price than that of common computers using Windows operating system. Download Box Drive for Mac Download Box Drive for Windows (64 bit) Download Box Drive for Windows (32 bit) Box Tools. Create and edit any file type, including Office, CAD, and Photoshop, directly from your web browser. Use the default application installed on your computer, knowing your files are automatically saved to Box. https://aspenomg.netlify.app/how-to-download-box-for-mac.html. For more information, see http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stvmkr/index.html | ||
2,591,987 Bytes (stvmkre120.zip) |
StereoPhoto Maker (Version 4.34) Since version 3, StereoPhoto Maker can automatically batch-align hundreds of images and mount them to the 'window'. This is especially useful for users of twin digital camera rigs. StereoPhoto Maker is the best freeware Stereo-Photo Editing program around and functions both as a versatile stereo image editor and stereo image viewer. It is supportive and friendly to most stereo viewing methods (Freeviewing [Parallel-eyed or Cross-eyed], Anaglyphic [color anaglyphs or grayscale anaglyphs], Liquid Crystal Shutter Glasses [Interlacing or Page Fliping]). Positon, Angle, Size and Darkness of the left-right image can be adjusted very easily. Other functions: Zoom In/Out (operated with mouse wheel), Left-Right Image swap, Trimming, Resize, Print etc.. Runs on all versions of Windows (up to Windows 7) and PowerPC and Intel Macs (with emulation or virtual-machine software). StereoPhoto Maker also supports reading and writing Multi-Picture Format (MPO) images, as created by the FujiFilm FinePix Real3D W1 and W3 Digital Stereo Cameras. Download mac os sierra apple. Please note that StereoPhoto Maker is provided for non-commercial use only! For more information, see http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/ | |
25,014,710 Bytes (stphmkre434all.zip) |
Stereo Slideshow (Version 2.50) 3DP Stereo Slideshow is a stand alone program to show stereo .jps files (and optionally twin image .jpg files). Views can be shown as crosseye, parallel, mono or anaglyph. Image files are displayed in alphabetical order from the program directory. Stereo Slideshow supports multiple monitors for presenting right/left views on separate display devices. 3DP Stereo Slideshow system requires a later version of Microsoft Windows with the Microsoft .Net Framework. 3DP Stereo Slideshow is free for individual non-commercial or educational use. Other uses requires purchase of 3DP Slideshow Pro which includes licensed rights for including 3DP Slideshow with your own work. Registration enables additional functionality through a key and notification of any updates. For more information, see http://www.ghiweb.com/3DPImaging/StereoSlideshow/ | ||
1,045,114 Bytes (StereoSlideshow250 with examples.zip) |
Stereo Works (Version 1.1) StereoWorks is an easy to use yet powerful and intuitive tool to create 3D reconstruction surfaces from stereoscopic SEM images. The software is self-installing and requires no extra hardware to work. The software allows the user to make detailed elevation maps from a pair of SEM images and obtain data such as height, area and roughness irrespective of the magnification. This package also includes a powerful set of image editing tools, providing the user the ability to correct aberrations and a unique built-in texture analyzer, making it easy to obtain, for example, a quantitative phase analysis of microscopic images in few steps. For more information, see http://www.lycosoftware.com/SW/Sw.html | ||
2,336,586 Bytes (StereoWorks-1.1-bin_Setup.zip) |
Woolly Anaglyph Maker (Version 1.2.1) The Woolly Anaglyph Maker will enable you to rotate a picture, zoom in or out, change problem colours and much more. For more information, see http://www.somerset3d.co.uk/wam.htm | ||
2,007,892 Bytes (wa.zip) |
Z-Anaglyph (Version 1.5.3) Great Freeware program to make color and black & white anaglpyhs. Images can be saved as TIFF or JPG. Requires Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, Me or NT. Program is in French, but can also be started with english menues. Z-Anaglyph was written by Georges Rosset, Geneva, Switzerland. For more information, see http://z-graphix.com/anaglyph/zanag_en.htm Stepmania song download. We've got a Bitcoin address too, if you'd prefer! Some stuff we use any donations for: Buying hardware for testing; Buying replacements for all those keyboards we break; Giving something back to developers periodically for their hard work. | |
1,807,589 Bytes (zsetup.exe) |
General Tools |
Label 'Do Not Mount' Most 3D-Cameras use 'odd' film formats (other than 'standard' 24x36 mm). Did you ever have trouble with your valuable 3D-film being returned cut from the processing lab? | black & white and color printers! | |
51,210 Bytes (do-not-mount-label.gif) |
Back to the Services Page |
Apr. 29th, 1998 | |
Copyright © 1998- by Stereoscopy.com and Alexander Klein. All rights reserved.
If you are like me, you definitely dislike optical disc playback because sometimes playback fails; reasons behind failure include, but are not limited to, faulty disc, region lock, device limitation. For example, a DVD bought in US may not play in India if it is not region-free; or blu-ray disc (BD) won’t play anywhere other than standalone BD players, typical BD media players in computers or consoles like Sony PlayStation 3. No wonder why people like DRM free digital file in the hard/flash drive for playback without any hitch. Moreover, as long as the device hardware/OS/software supports, the digital files in your drive can virtually be played in any device. For 2D files, we have a plethora of media players in any standard OS. However, when it comes to 3D stereoscopic files, we rarely see a media player available for free. Here sView comes to your rescue.
What is it and what does it do
sView is a free, open source, and cross-platform stereoscopic 3D media player. It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. For the purposes of this review, we specifically looked at the Windows version.

- Minimalistic yet stunning interface
- Available for Windows, Linux, OSX
- Typical stereoscopic 3D playback (see discussion below for more details)
- Video/image support
- No external codecs required
- Drag-n-drop possible
- No stuttering up to 1080P
- Preferred subtitle and audio track support
- Features like taking 3D screenshot included
- Support to active shutter glasses (IR) and passive anaglyph (red-cyan) glasses
- Open-source
- No automatic proper playback (see discussion below for more details)
- Computer fans may go berserk during playback
- Error message at the launch (see discussion below for more details)
- No Windows XP support; Win8 support is unknown
- No right-click menu
- No keyboard short-cuts
- NVIDIA warning message (which is removeable)
- No resume playback function
- Not all subtitle formats supported
Before I elaborate, I must tell you that you need 3D hardware like 3D monitor/glasses to make playback work with this software. I have tested sView Windows version # 13.05 in Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with active display and Nvidia active shutter glasses. Half-side-by-side (half-SBS or H-SBS) or full-side-by-side (full-SBS or F-SBS) or half-over-the-under (half-OU or H-OU) 1080P AVC-x264/DTS-5.1/MKV files worked with zero issues. Embedded subtitle files like UTF-8 worked while PGS (zlib) didn’t work. External subtitle files like SRT worked but SUB/IDX didn’t work.
The first thing you will observe when you open this player is that it comes up with an error message, “WinAPI, Quad Buffered stereo not supported”. It will not endanger playback but I couldn’t appreciate it. The uncluttered modern-day interface is something you may like.
Unless you play with this software, it is not very easy to figure out how to properly play stereoscopic 3D since automatic functions do not work well, and no suitable guides are available from the developer. The good news is that I have created a guide that you can use for correct playback as follows:
Choosing your glasses
If you have active shutter glasses, you need to change the glasses by going to Shutter glasses > Change device > Shutter glasses. Other options are also available.
Choosing your graphics card
If you have Nvidia graphics card, you need to go to Shutter glasses > Quad Buffer type, and change OpenGL Hardware to Direct3D NVIDIA (Fullscreen).
How to download utorrent on mac. Opening a stereoscopic 3D file
Media > Open Movie… > From One file. Drag-n-drop works, too. If you have two files for the same video/movie, choose Left+Right files.
Nvidia Stereoscopic 3d Video Player
Selecting the source stereo format
Media > Source stereo format > Over/Under (L/R) if the video is H-OU
Media > Source stereo format > Parallel Pair if the video is H-SBS or F-SBS
Stereoscopic Player Mac Os X Download Mac
You can also select Over/Under (R/L) if the video is H-OU. You have many other choices depending on what you have. Do NOT choose Autodetection. This may not work. At this point, DON’T be alarmed if the image looks crazy like having issues with aspect ratio (AR). First thing first, make sure that View > Stereo Output > Stereo is selected. You are gonna watch it in 3D, right? Then, View > Display Ratio > … Do NOT choose Auto. This may not work.
Not sure about the display ratio (aka AR) of the file? Use MediaInfo (download here, install (or run as a portable app), open, drag-n-drop the file onto the interface). MediaInfo is available in GUI/CLI, Windows/Linux/OSX, 32/64 bit and/or installer/portable version. Get what you need! Always download the latest stable version.
3D works only in Fullscreen mode (press the button at the bottom right corner to switch to). Pressing the ESC button on your keyboard quits the player.
Stereoscopic Player Windows 10
When in full screen mode, if it shows one blue line (starting from the bottom left corner of the screen and extending upto ~80% of the bottom; it showed in the previous version, and not in this version for me), it can be corrected by going to Shutter Glasses > Show Extra Options to open Glasses control codes > No codes.
Stereoscopic Video Player
During playback, the software takes ~ 450 MB of RAM whereas it takes ~ 50 MB in standby mode (your mileage may vary). Your computer may warm up high, and its fan may go crazy when you play 3D. I find that it is somewhat normal for 3D playback; therefore, try to avoid running other programs at the same time. Nvidia warning message (if you have Nvidia graphics card) does not go away until you press Ctrl+Alt+Insert. Of course, this is developer’s out of control. If you wanna take 3D screenshot, go to Media > Save Snapshot… in JPEG stereo (*.jps) or PNG stereo (*.pns). While I understand why Windows XP is not supported by the developer (it installs in C:Program FilessView), but Windows 8 support is something he should come up with in no time. Last but not the least, I would like to see resume playback function in a media player; unfortunately, like many other common media players, it does not start playback from the point where it was left at when you closed the window. For those who are wondering, the following is the configuration of my laptop where this software test has taken place: ASUS G73JW | Intel Core i7-740QM, 1.73GHz | 8GB DDR3 | Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M, 1.5GB | OCZ 120GB SSD + Seagate 500GB Hybrid 7200rpm | 17.3″ FHD/3D | Blu-ray Write | Win7Pro64
Conclusion and download link
Stereoscopic Player Windows
Despite its limitations, I wholeheartedly give sView two thumbs up. As far as I know, this is the only free stereoscopic 3D media player that requires no external codecs and works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Sure there are negative aspects to the program, but it just works with its simple but powerful interface. Recommended.
Price: Free
Version reviewed: 13.05
Supported OS: Windows (Vista, Win7), Linux, Mac OS X
Download size: 15.5 MB
VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/46
Is it portable? No