How To Download Nodejs On Mac

Node.js is required for using many JavaScript tools and for creating server-side JavaScript applications. Here is how you install Node.js on a Mac.

A note on versions npm versions. Npm is a separate project from Node.js, and tends to update more frequently. As a result, even if you’ve just downloaded Node.js (and therefore npm), you’ll probably need to update your npm. How to Install Node.js on a Mac. Webucator provides instructor-led training to students throughout the US and Canada. We have trained over 90,000 students from over 16,000 organizations on technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Java, Adobe, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Angular and much more.

1.Visit nodejs download page here. 2.Click on macOS Installer to download the latest version of node installable package. 1.Click on the download node-vxx.xx.xx.pkg (for example node-v10.15.0.pkg) in previous step to start the installation which brings up below screen. Please click continue. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Latest LTS Version: 12.19.0 (includes npm 6.14.8) Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing today. How to Run a Node.js Application on a Mac. Node.js makes it possible for you to run JavaScript programs outside of a web browser or on a server. To run a Node.js application on MacOS, follow these three steps. Open Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering terminal into the search box.

The first thing you should do is check to see if you have a version of Node.js already installed. To do that:

  1. Open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  2. Enter node - v in the Terminal and press Enter.
  3. If you do have Node.js installed, it will output the version.
    1. Update to the latest version using npm i -g npm. If you get a bunch of checkPermissions warnings, you should run the command as the superuser like this: sudo npm i -g npm
    2. You now have the latest version installed. You do not need to continue with these instructions.
  4. If you do not have Node.js installed, it will output something like -bash: node: command not found. Continue with these instructions to install it.
  5. Go to You'll see download links for MacOS. If you are using Node.js for a Webucator class, you should select the LTS version. The Current version has the latest features, but may be more prone to changes and bugs than the LTS (Long Term Support) version.
  6. When the file finishes downloading, locate it in Finder and double-click on it.
  7. Go through the entire installation process.
  8. When installation is complete, open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  9. Enter node - v in the Terminal to verify that Node.js is installed correctly and to see the version of Node.js that was installed.

If a version was output, then you're all set. Open source mysql reporting download machine learning.

By Panu Pitkamaki

Development is picking pace, and Node.js is shipping out a new version frequently. It is nice to have the latest version at hand in your development environment to test out new features.

There are a few ways to install Node.js. One of the obvious ones is to download the installer from However, you might not want to be downloading a new installer every time there's a new version out.

Here are few alternative ways to update to the latest version of Node.js on a Mac.


Nvm is a script-based node version manager. You can install it easily with a curl and bash one-liner as described in the documentation. It's also available on Homebrew.

Assuming you have successfully installed nvm. The following will install the latest version of node.

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The last option installs all global npm packages over to your new version. This way packages like mocha and node-inspector keep working.


N is an npm-based node version manager. You can install it by installing first some version of node and then running npm install -g n.

How To Download Nodejs On Mac Os

Assuming you have successfully installed n. The following will install the latest version of node.

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Homebrew is one of the two popular package managers for Mac. Assuming you have previously installed node with brew install node. You can get up-to-date with formulae and upgrade to the latest Node.js version with the following.

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How To Download Nodejs On Mac

How To Download Node Js On Mac


MacPorts is the other package manager for Mac. The following will update the local ports tree to get access to updated versions. Then it will install the latest version of Node.js. This works even if you have a previous version of the package installed.

Download Node Js For Mac

There also exists nodejs alternative to nodejs-devel that follows the long term support line.