Go Global Client For Mac Download

GraphOn Customer Portal - GO-Global. GO-Global iOS Client allows users to connect to GO-Global hosts from their iOS devices with an emphasis on maintaining a high degree of usability for Windows applications accessed remotely. The GO-Global iOS Client requires a device running iOS 5.0 or later, including the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

Example:.. gg-client.exe ' -h server -u username -p password -c -ac all -hp 443

• Startup parameters passed on by the -r argument are specific to each application. Please refer to the application's documentation for information about launch parameters.

• Command-line arguments are optional and case-insensitive. Arguments can be appended in any order, with the exception of -r. If -r is used, it must be the last argument on the command-line and it must be used with the -a argument.

• In order to accommodate spaces in user names, passwords, or application display names, quotation marks must be included when using command-line arguments. For example, user name Jim C would be specified as -u 'Jim C'.

• Uninstall the Windows Client through Add/Remove Programs.


3.1 Running the Plug-in for Windows
The Plug-in for Windows is available to Windows users running Mozilla Firefox.

To run the Plug-in for Windows
1. Start Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the Plug-in link from the list of Windows clients. If you have the choice of running the Plug-in in loose or embedded windows mode, select embedded windows if you would like to run the Program Window inside the browser. Select loose windows if you would like to run the Program Window outside the browser.
4. When the Sign In dialog appears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

3.2 Running the Plug-in for Linux
The Plug-in for Linux is available for users of Red Hat Linux running Mozilla Firefox.

To install the Plug-in for Linux
1. Start Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the appropriate Plug-in link from the list of Linux clients. This Web page will either prompt you to download the Plug-in or will launch the Sign In dialog automatically.
4. Install the Plug-in from your home directory with the following command:
tar zxf gg-plugin.linux.tgz

To run the Plug-in for Linux
1. Start Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the
GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the appropriate Plug-in link from the list of Linux clients.
4. When the Sign In dialog appears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

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To remove the Plug-in for Linux
1. Launch the Linux console.
2. Remove the Plug-in by typing:
rm -rf ~/.mozilla/plugins/libnpg.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libpbr4.so > ~/.mozilla/gg-client
3. If you plan to reinstall the Plug-in, we recommend clearing the browser cache.


The ActiveX Control is available to Windows users running Internet Explorer.

To run the ActiveX Control
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. In the Address box, type http:// followed by the host name and GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Click the appropriate ActiveX Control link. If you have the choice of running the ActiveX Control in loose or embedded mode, select embedded if you would like to run the Program Window inside the browser. Select loose if you would like to run the Program Window outside the browser.
4. Trust the digitally signed ActiveX control.
5. When the Sign In dialogappears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

To uninstall the ActiveX Control
1. Close Internet Explorer.
2. Locate and delete GO-Global 5 in Winnt or WindowsDownloaded Program files.

If you have difficulty reinstalling and running the ActiveX Control, clear the browser cache. To do this, open Internet Explorer and click Tools | Internet Options. Click the General tab and under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files. If you are still having difficulty, consult an administrator to check for conflict directories.


The Linux Client is a lightweight native X Window System application that delivers excellent performance to Linux desktops.

5.1 To install the Linux Client(Red Hat, CentOS, SuSE)
1. Launch your Web browser.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Click the Linux Client link.
4. Download gg-client.linux.rpm.
5. Launch the Linux Console and become root (Super User).
6. Import GraphOn's public key so that the digital signature used on the package can be verified: rpm --import ftp://ftp.graphon.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-graphon
7. Install the package using: yum install gg-client.linux.rpm

5.2 To install the Linux Client (Ubuntu)
1. Launch your Web browser.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Click the Linux Client link.
4. Download gg-client.linux.deb.
5. Launch the Linux console and become root (Super User).
6. Install the package using: dpkg -i gg-client.linux.deb
Note: If installation of this package is not completed due to unresolved dependencies, run: sudo apt-get -f install
This will resolve the unmet dependencies and complete the installation.

5.3 To run the Linux Client
1. Type gg-client.
2. Type your host address in the Connection dialog.
3. When the Sign In dialog appears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

5.4 Command-Line Arguments
The Linux Client supports the following command-line arguments:

And since you can modify the gameinteractively in Jupyter this process is not only easy but fun.Head to examples/22-pong-RL.ipynb to see how to programmatically control and render a 2-player version of pong.## Requirementsjupylet should run on Python 3.4+ on Windows, Mac, and Linux.## How to Install and Run JupyletIf you are new to Python, I strongly recommend that you install and use theMiniconda Pythondistribution. Create games interactively and experimentally, change a variable or afunction and see how the game is affected immediately while it is running.## Deep Reinforcement Learning with JupyletJupylet makes it is super easy to create and modify environments in which toexperiment with deep reinforcement learning algorithms and it includes the coderequired to programmatically control multiple simultaneous games and renderthousands of frames per second.Consider for example the pong game included in this repository. It iswonderfully easy to use for creating simple 2D games and Jupylet extends it to3D gaming.By marrying Jupyter and pyglet, Jupylet lets you have the best of bothworlds. Download jupyter mac. Download and run the 64-bit installer and stick to the defaultinstall options.Once Miniconda is installed start a Miniconda Prompt. With a fewlines of code you can modify the colors of the game or turn the background intoa swirling giant flower to experiment with transfer learning, or turn the gameinto 4-way pong with agents on all four sides of the game court to experimentwith cooperation between multiple agents.

Client Readme


1. System Requirements

2. Windows Client

3. Plug-in

4. ActiveX Control

5. Linux Client

6. Mac OS X Client

7. Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X

8. iOS Client

9. Android Client

10. Chrome Extension

11. General Notes


Users can connect to a GO-Global Host from any computer that supports a GO-Global client. GO-Global supports the following platforms:

· Windows 8.1 Standard and Pro (32-bit/64-bit)

· Windows 8 Standard and Pro (32-bit/64-bit)

· Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (32-bit/64-bit)

· Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (32-bit/64-bit)

· Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (32-bit)

· Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux 5 and 6; SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11; CentOS 5 and 6; Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Only a 32-bit client is provided. When installing this client on a 64-bit operating system, additional 32-bit dependencies may need to be installed. Consult your distribution's documentation for details on how to do this. Installing the client via a meta-packager such as yum will automatically fetch and install these dependencies for you.

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· Mac OS X 10.6 and later

The GO-Global iOS Client requires a device running iOS 7.0 or later, including the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. (Both WiFi and 3G models are supported.)

The GO-Global Android Client requires Android 4.0 (Honeycomb) or later with a WiFi or 3G connection. GO-Global Android Client only supports ARM processors.

GO-Global supports the following browsers:

· Apple Safari 5.0.6 or later on Mac OS X

· Mozilla Firefox 38 (ESR) on Windows and Linux

· Internet Explorer 10.0 and 11.0

· Google Chrome with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

Clients must have TCP/IP as a network protocol.
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2.1 Installing the Window Client
1. Start Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the Windows Client link.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions which will prompt you to download the Windows client executable.

With the Windows Client, you can sign in to a GO-Global Host from the Start menu or from a Windows shortcut.

2.2 Running the Windows Client from the Start Menu
1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
2. Click Programs | GraphOn GO-Global 5 | GO-Global.
3. Type your Host address in the Connection dialog and click Connect. You can create a shortcut to the specified host by selecting the check box on the Connection dialog. Once the shortcut is set up, you will bypass the Connection dialog when connecting to the specified server.
4. When the Sign In dialog appears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

2.3 Creating GO-Global Shortcuts
Additional shortcuts can be created for launching specific applications, among other options.
1. Right-click on the desktop.
2. Click New | Shortcut.
3. In the Create Shortcut dialog box, browse to the GO-Global Client Executable, e.g., Program FilesGraphOnGO-Globalgg-client.exe.
4. Type a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

2.4 Using Command-line Arguments
For users running the Windows Client, command-line arguments can be used to make the logon process easier. Command-line arguments allow users to directly launch an application, among other options, as described below.

1. Right-click on the GO-Global shortcut and click Properties.
2. In the Shortcut tab, place your cursor in the Target edit box and append any of the following command-line arguments after the quote ('):


The GO-Global Host address or host name.


The client's network user name.


The client's network password.


The display name of the application to be launched. The application's display name must be identical to the application name in the Program Window.


Startup parameters for the application.

-c or -nc

-c enables compression. -nc disables compression. (Compression is enabled by default.)


Determines how printers are initialized at startup. When -ac is followed by all, all client printers are automatically configured. When -ac is followed by none, client printers are not automatically configured. When -ac is followed by default only the default printer is configured automatically. This is the default setting.


Modifies the host port setting for the Application Publishing Service.


The GO-Global Host address or host name.


The client's network user name.


The client's network password. Please note that if you specify a password on the command-line, the password may be visible to other users running process reporting tools such as ps. To protect the user's password, use -p - to request the password at startup.


The display name of the application to be launched. (The application's display name must be identical to the application name in the Program Window.)


Startup parameters for the application.

-c or -nc

-c enables compression. -nc disables compression. (Compression is enabled by default.)


The Linux Client runs in a loose window mode by default. This is the default setting. To enable the restricted frame option, i.e., to have all of the session's windows embedded within a frame on the client computer, append -f to the command line.


Modifies the host port setting for the Application Publishing Service.


Determines how printers are initialized at startup. When -ac is followed by all, all client printers are automatically configured. When -ac is followed by none, client printers are not automatically configured. When -ac is followed by default only the default printer is configured automatically. This is the default setting.

Example: gg-client -h server1 -p - password -ac all -hp 443

• Startup parameters passed on by the -r argument are specific to each application. Please refer to the application's documentation for information about launch parameters.

• Command-line arguments are optional and case-insensitive. Arguments can be appended in any order, with the exception of -r. If -r is used, it must be the last argument on the command-line, and it must be used with the -a argument.

• In order to accommodate spaces in user names, passwords, application display names, or application arguments, quotation marks must be included when using command-line arguments. For example, the argument -a 'Acrobat Reader' would launch Adobe’s Acrobat Reader. Likewise, user name Jim C would be specified as -u 'Jim C'

• The Linux Client (Red Hat, CentOS, SuSE) can be uninstalled by typing rpm -e gg-client in the Linux console.

• The Linux Client (Ubuntu x64) can be uninstalled by typing apt-get remove gg-client in the Linux console.

• The Linux Client (Ubuntu x86) can be uninstalled by typing dpkg -r gg-client in the Linux console.


The Mac OS X Clientis a lightweight application that provides seamless integration with the native Mac OS X environment.

6.1 To install the Mac OS X Client
1. Launch your Web browser.
2. In the location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Click the Mac OS X Client link.
4. Follow the instructions to download and install gg-client.mac.dmg.

6.2 To run the Mac OS X Client
1. From the menu bar, click Go | Applications.
2. Double-click GO-Global to launch GO-Global.
3. Type the host address in the Connection dialog.
4. When the Sign In dialog appears, enter the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

6.3 Command-Line Arguments
The Mac OS X Client supports the following command-line arguments:


The IP address of the GO-Global Host.


The client's network user name.


The client's network password. Please note that if you specify a password on the command-line, the password may be visible to other users running process reporting tools such as ps. To protect the user's password, use -p - to request the password at startup.


The display name of the application to be launched. (The application's display name must be identical to the application name in the Program Window.)


Startup parameters for the application.

-c or -nc

-c enables compression. -nc disables compression. (Compression is enabled by default.)


The Mac OS X Client runs in a loose window mode by default. To enable the restricted frame option, i.e., to have all of the session's windows embedded within a frame on the client computer, append -f to the command line.


Modifies the host port setting for the Application Publishing Service.


Determines how printers are initialized at startup. When -ac is followed by all, all client printers are automatically configured. When -ac is followed by none, client printers are not automatically configured. When -ac is followed by default only the default printer is configured automatically. This is the default setting.

To use command-line arguments with the Mac OS X Client
1. Open Terminal.
2. Change to the /Applications/GO-Global.app/Contents/MacOS/ directory.
3. Type ./GO-Global and append command-line arguments.

Example, ./GO-Global –h –ac all -nc –hp 443


The Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X is available to Mac OS X users running Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox.
To install the Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X
1. Start your web browser.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the appropriate Browser Plug-in link from the list of Mac clients. This Web page will either prompt you to download the Plug-in or will launch the Sign In dialog automatically.
4. Install the Plug-in by downloading and running gg-client.mac.dmg.

To run the Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X

1. Start your web browser.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the appropriate Browser Plug-in link from the list of Mac OS X clients.
4. When the Sign In dialog appears, type the following information:
• Your network user name in the User name box.
• Your network password in the Password box.

Installing the native Mac OS X Client with the GO-Global package will also install the Browser Plug-in for Mac OS X. Users simply browse to the client installation file containing the Browser Plug-in.


GO-Global iOS Client allows users to connect to GO-Global hosts from their iOS devices with an emphasis on maintaining a high degree of usability for Windows applications accessed remotely.

The GO-Global iOS Client requires a device running iOS 5.0 or later, including the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. (Both WiFi and 3G models are supported.)

Download the iOS Client from the iTunes App Store at:


GO-Global Android Client allows users to connect to GO-Global hosts from Android devices, with an emphasis on maintaining a high degree of usability for Windows applications accessed remotely through the Android device.

The GO-Global Android Client requires Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) or later with a WiFi or 3G connection. GO-Global Android Client only supports ARM processors

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The GO-Global Chrome Extension can be installed from the Chrome Web Store or via direct download.

The extension also gets installed when running the native Windows Client installer (gg-client.windows.exe). Due to a security setting in Chrome, users may need to manually enable GO-Global. In Chrome, click Settings | Extensions. Enable GO-Global. If upgrading, run the native Windows Client installer, click Modify and select Chrome Extension. Otherwise the extension will not be installed.

To install the Chrome Extension
1. Start your web browser.
2. In the Location box, type http:// followed by the host name and the GO-Global client installation file. For example, http://host/goglobal/clients.html.
3. Select the Plug-in link from the list of Windows clients. If you have the choice of running the Plug-in in loose or embedded windows mode, select embedded windows if you would like to run the Program Window inside the browser. Select loose windows if you would like to run the Program Window outside the browser.
4. Follow the instructions to download and install gg-chrome.crxfrom the Chrome Web Store.
The Chrome Extension can also be installed by downloading gg-chrome.crx and dragging the file to the Google Chrome extensions page. gg-chrome.crx is located in the GO-Global Host build in the web/plugins folder.

Google Chrome does not support NPAPI plug-ins in Windows 8 Metro mode. This is a known issue with Google: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=162186. As a workaround, run Chrome in compatibility mode for Windows 7, as follows:

1. Right-click the Chrome shortcut.

2. Click Properties, then click the Compatibility tab.

3. Enable Run this program in compatibility mode for.

4. Select Windows 7 from the drop-down menu.

5. Click Save.


11.1 User name and Password
In the Sign In dialog, type your network user name and password, or a user name and password that has been set up for you on the GO-Global Host. See your system administrator for more information.

11.2 Host address
In the Connection dialog, type the host name of the GO-Global Host. If your client doesn't recognize Windows host names, you can type the IP Address of the GO-Global Host instead.

11.3 User Authentication
The GO-Global Host first tries to authenticate users on the local machine, followed by the local machine's domain, and lastly on trusted domains. You can override this default behavior and specify a specific domain by typing the domain name followed by a backslash and your network user name in the User name box of the Sign In dialog. For example, NORTHjohnw.

11.4 Client File Access
GO-Global allows users to access files stored on the client computer and to save files locally. Client drives are designated with a Client prefix. For example, Client A (J:), Client C (K:). To open or save a file locally, select the desired local drive from the drop-down menu of the Open or Save As dialog box. See your system administrator for more information.

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11.5 Client Clipboard
GO-Global allows client and server-based applications to exchange information using the clipboard. You can cut and copy information from applications running on your client machine and paste it into applications running on a GO-Global Host, and vice versa. See your system administrator for more information.

11.6 Session Reconnect
Session reconnect allows sessions to be maintained on a GO-Global Host without a client connection. If your connection to the server is lost, intentionally or unintentionally, your session and applications remain running on the GO-Global Host for the length of the time specified by the administrator.

Through the Program Window, you can disconnect rather than exit from GO-Global, and you will be able to return to your session in the exact state you left it. To disconnect a session, click File | Disconnect. If the administrator has not enabled the session reconnect feature, the Disconnect option will not appear in the Program Window's File menu.

Please note that Go-Global is going away. It is highly suggested that you use the psearch.syscononline.com web site for all searches.

Go Global Client For Mac Download

Registered users can use the links below to download the correct software for specific equipment.

If you have any issues with Go-Global, do not call the software company, call Syscon. We are here to help. The Go-Global company will not be able to assist you with Syscon Remote Access Issues.

Supported Version – Windows Only

Download Windows Version
Once you have downloaded the software you will need to install it on your computer.
We suggest that you install the software using the default options.
More detailed instructions on installing or using G-Global software can be found at this LINK

Un-Supported Versions

For Mac – Download

Gotomeeting Client Download Mac

For LINUX – Download

For UBUNTU – Download

Go Global Client For Windows

Syscon only supports the Windows version of Go-Global. You are welcome to download and use the other applications, but the staff at Syscon cannot assist you with the installation or use of Go-Global on anything except Windows.

Go Global Client For Mac Download Free

If you are using the Chrome or Firefox Browser and the link does not start a file download, simply right click on the link and then select “Save link as” – this is a known issue with Chrome and Firefox.